
Student independence and self-sufficiency that includes the learning and perpetuation of the Dakota language and culture is the CCCC mission. All CCCC employees must know, understand, and practice the fulfillment of our mission.  We are here to serve our students and to do that work in a respectful and professional manner.  CCCC serves the Spirit Lake Dakota reservation community.   


The work of CCCC is accomplished by a committee structure with the goal of continuous institutional improvement.  The noted committees are not the only working groups, as each of the various programs at CCCC (library, faculty, CTE, adult learning, Land Grant, Head Start, etc.) have a committee or advisory board to guide that work. 


All CCCC employees are welcomed to attend and participate on any committee.  Committee Chairs, please see that your meetings are posted on the monthly CCCC calendar. Committee work is documented electronically and shared with all CCCC employees to assure strong communication and cooperation – that we work collaboratively toward the success of CCCC students but also in following the strategic plan.  Committee meeting notes or minutes are to be submitted to the President’s (Ann Wadsworth) and IT (Stuart Young) offices for record keeping.  Each committee selects its Chair and a Recording Secretary, who provides the notes or minutes.

Leadership Committeeintegrates the work of all committees to planning and budgeting; monitors progress of strategic plan priorities; develops plans for resource development; oversees all reporting requirements including enrollment management and accreditation status toward ongoing institutional improvement; and leads internal communications toward faculty/staff cooperation and understanding.  President Lindquist serves as Chair.

Cynthia Lindquist, Chair

Chelly Merkel-Veer

Stuart Young Ann Wadsworth
  Jackie Lampert
Evie McDonald Jessica Fish
Melody Volk Delana McLean
Blue Feather Divider

Mentors and Advisors work closely with the Registrar and Financial Aid Director to assure timely processing of student forms, documents, and paperwork.  Mentors and Advisors have strong knowledge and use of the EMPOWER student management system.  The Academic Dean and Dean of Student Services serve as co-leaders for the Mentors and Advisors and assure they are adequately trained to provide the services.

Student Academic Advisorsassures students are informed/knowledgeable about their respective academic pathway (program of study) that includes course scheduling, required credit hours, etc.  Verifies SAP (Satisfactory Academic Progress) and enrollment.

Jackie Lampert – Early Childhood, Social Work, Professional Driving CDL, Dakota Studies
Heather Marxen – Carpentry, Fine Arts, Liberal Arts
Michael Parker – Pre-Engineering, Natural Resource Management
Eric Rogness – Indigenous/Dakota Studies, Liberal Arts
Steven Smith – Business Administration, Administrative Assistant Certificate
DeLana McLean – Liberal Arts, non-degree seeking, Dakota Studies
Blue Feather Divider

Student Academic Mentors –guides and directs students in being a responsible college student, able to explain CCCC programs of study and timelines, and provides referral assistance as appropriate.

  • Advanced Manufacturing – Michael Parker
  • Business – Steven Smith
  • Carpentry – Kim Paulson, Frank Gourd
  • CDL – Kelly Gannon, Alex Smith
  • Dakota Studies – Eric Rogness, Ron Walking Eagle, Jr.
  • Early Childhood Education – Jackie Lampert
  • English – Stuart Rieke, Zach Allen
  • Fine Arts – Carol Greywater
  • History/Social Science – Eric Rogness
  • Math – Karen Saari, Michael Parker
  • Natural Resources – Jessica Fish, Doug Cudworth,
                                              Krystal Caldwell
  • Pre-Engineering – Michael Parker
  • Liberal Arts – Lori Gourneau
  • Social Work – Galynn Lindemann
Blue Feather Divider

Assessment Committee –coordinates the assessment process (for both academics and co-curricular) that assures student learning outcomes are viable, understood, and met.  Hub for all assessment processes, the gathering of data, and the review and reporting of assessment of student learning.  All CCCC faculty members participate in the assessment process(es).

Mike Parker, co-chair Jackie Lampert, co-chair
Eric Rogness Brent Voels
Steven Smith Galynn Lindemann
Samantha Gourd DeLana McLean
Carol Greywater  
Blue Feather Divider

Curriculum Committee – Develops and coordinates the program review process that includes course reviews.  Overseen by the Academic Dean and includes:

Brent Voels, Chair  
Kim Krebsbach DeLana McLean
Samantha Gourd Jackie Lampert
Douglas Cudworth Karen Saari
Heather Marxen Steven Smith
Blue Feather Divider

Recruitment/Retention Committee – Developes, coordinates, and implements strategies and activities based on trend data to promote CCCC to increase student enrollment and retention as well as completion.

Melody Volk, chair  
Lois Leben Ann Wadsworth
Eric Rogness Tammie Yankton
Lindsey OneBear Carol Greywater
Darica Deckert DeShawn Lawrence
Zach Allen  
Blue Feather Divider

3Ds Committee (data driven decisions) – Fosters the development, use, and understanding of institutional data and assures all committees are using data to inform their work.

Stuart Young, chair Evie McDonald
Karen Saari Melody Volk
Jackie Lampert Samantha Gourd
DeLana McLean Steven Smith
Brent Voels Jessica Fish
Marliss Platz  
Blue Feather Divider

Financial Aid Committee –  assists the Financial Aid Director in disseminating federal financial aid and scholarship information on a timely basis. Promotes and supports students completing applications as appropriate. Determines scholarship and Angel Fund recipients based on policy guidelines and student’s application.

Lindsey OneBear, Chair Kim Krebsbach
DeLana McLean Marliss Platz
Steven Smith Evie McDonald


Blue Feather Divider

Faculty Senate – Forum wherein all faculty have opportunity to discuss ideas, issues, or improvements toward working together and improving student outcomes.
All CCCC faculty members.

Blue Feather Divider

IRB (Institution Review Board) – oversees all research projects, including assisting the Spirit Lake Tribe with studies, reports, and publication reviews.

Brent Voels, chair Steven Smith
Doug Cudworth Eric Rogness
Cynthia Lindquist DeLana McLean
Blue Feather Divider

Alumni Committeeto organize, coordinator, and engage CCCC alumni starting with a reunion prior to the annual Fort Totten Days pow wow the end of July. To foster and promote the success stories of CCCC graduates.

Lois Leben Lindsey OneBear
DeShawn Lawrence DeLana McLean
Darica Deckert Tiffany Ross
Stuart Young Ann Wadsworth