
Nursing students receiving hands-on training with a training manequin and instructor.


The Associate of Science (AS) in Pre-Nursing is designed to give students a solid foundation for continuing intellectual growth and further professional studies leading to a career in nursing or other health related fields. The AS in Pre-Nursing provides students with essential studies and sciences courses focused on providing the necessary academic background to transfer to a licensed practical nurse, registered nurse, or Bachelor of Science in nursing baccalaureate program. Students should be aware that most pre-nursing courses have science prerequisites and that improper scheduling of courses can lengthen the time required to complete the degree.

The program is focused on transfer to post-secondary institutions in the North Dakota University System; however, courses will transfer to other nursing schools as well. Bachelor of Science Nursing degrees vary by institution and state. Students are advised to consult with an academic advisor or counselor when selecting courses to ensure appropriate transfer for matriculation into baccalaureate programs. Grade point average requirements vary by university and admission is competitive through nursing disciplines.

A nurse checking a young boy's heartbeat.


A female nurse checking on an elderly man.


A female nurse in a white nurse coat.


A stethoscope.


Courses of Essential Study


Course # Course Name Offered
ENGL 100 Student Success FA,SP
ENGL 110 College Composition I FA,SP,SU
ENGL 120 College Composition II* FA,SP,SU
COMM 110 Fundamentals of Public Speaking FA,SP
  ND:FA or ND:HUM or ND:HIST  
  ND:FA or ND:HUM or ND:HIST  
PSYC 111 Introduction to Psychology FA 3
  ND:SS or ND:HIST  
CSCI101 Introduction to Computers FA,SP 3
MATH103 College Algebra** FA,SP,SU 3
BIOL 111 Concepts of Biology SP 3
BIOL 111L Concepts of Biology Lab   1
DS 110 Dakota Culture and History*** FA,SP,SU 3
ENGL 161 Dakota Language I FA,SP,SU 4
HPER 217 Personal & Community Health**** FA,SP
HPER101-104 Physical Education Activity   1
  *Prerequisite of ENGL 110 (College Composition I)  
  **Prerequisite of ASC093 (Intermediate Algebra) or Appropriate Placement Test.    
  ***Alternate Summer Rotation    
  ****Prerequisite of CSCI 110    


Core Classes


Course # Course Name Offered
BIOL 202 Introduction to Microbiology* SP 3
BIOL 202L Introduction to Microbiology Lab*   1
BIOL 220 Anatomy & Physiology I* FA
BIOL 220L Anatomy & Physiology I Lab*   1
BIOL 221 Anatomy & Physiology II* SP
BIOL 221L Anatomy & Physiology II Lab*   1
NUTR 240 Principles of Nutrition SP
PHARM 215 Introduction to Pharmacology FA
PSYC250 Developmental Psychology* SP 3
  Program Electives (choose from below)  
  *Prerequisites or Corequisites exist, see advisor for details.    
  Some program electives can be used in conjunction for general education requirements.    
  Program Electives (Students should work with their advisors to choose courses that enhance their Natural Resource Management academic or career options.)    


Program Electives


Course # Course Name Offered
CHEM115 Introduction to Chemistry SP
CHEM115L Introduction to Chemistry Lab   1
CHEM 116 Introduction to Organic & BioChemistry FA 3
CHEM 116L Introduction to Organic & BioChemistry Lab   1
CHEM 121 General Chemistry I FA
CHEM 121L General Chemistry I Lab   1
SOC 110 Introduction to Sociology SP
HPER 210 First Aid & CPR FA,SP


Degree Program Total Credits…..64-75

Updated 3/30/22

• The student will practice critical thinking skills to solve health care related issues using the scientific method.
• The student will apply basic principles of therapeutic communication in a health care setting.
• The student will utilize technology for documentation of nursing principles in the health care field.
• The student will practice the nursing process within ethical guidelines.

Median annual wage in May 2018 – $71,730 Registered nurses work in hospitals, physicians’ offices, home healthcare services, and nursing care facilities. Others work in outpatient clinics and schools, or serve in the military. Projected growth 12%.

The Pre-Nursing and Science faculty are professionals who have been employed in private and public sectors of education and business. They continue to participate in professional development and scholarly activity to enhance their knowledge and to serve as role models for lifelong learning.

Dr. Lori Gourneau

Dr. Lori Gourneau